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This is the searchable online international food dictionary with 67,413 terms in 307 languages plus 42,027 plurals.

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The database behind this site was the loving creation of Suzy Oakes, who has since passed away. She is greatly missed. You can see her obituary in the Guardian

A cookbook, featuring Suzy's favourite recipies, is available. People who are interested should contact Mun Flint. Currently, the cost is £12.50 plus postage and packing. All proceeds go to the Suzy Oakes Trust for Mill Road.

Picture of cover of recipe book


Language: Spanish

Description: A liquor distilled from a type of maguey, or agave, which also harbours a particular worm or gusano. One of these short fat worms is added to each bottle of the drink. Some say that the smoky flavour of the drink derives from the worm, others that the worm gets its smoky flavour from the plant. In Oaxaca you may find a gusano or two fried and served at a restaurant. There is some suggestion that the worm in the bottle started with a commercial campaign to rid a bottler of a poor crop of maguey which was infested with worms. The gimic caught on.

One of many mezcal shops in Mitla in Mexico, near which there are large fields of agave

Pronounced: MEHS-kahl
Ethnicity: Mexican
Most frequent country: Mexico
Also known as: mescal

See places: Mexican food and cuisine

Feel free to e-mail us if you have any comments, but be aware that the database is just being maintained, not updated.

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All data appearing on this site are copyright protected