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Catanese (Catanese)

The language of Catania in Sicily

Catanian on

To find foods and foods and food-related items in in Catania you may search by any of the following terms:
Catanese Catania Catanian Italian Italy Sicilia Sicilian Siciliana Siciliano Sicilianu Sicily

These terms associated with languages are hidden behind the scenes as there is some crossover with other languages. The traveller in Catania may not be precisely certain which language is in use, and can search using more general terms such as 'Sicilian''.

You may use any of the above terms in any search you make using 'Translate from English' so that if you wish to search for a translation of flank, choose whichever of these language terms that you think is most appropriate, say:
'Catanian flank'' and then click on 'Translate from English'.

One of the problems of providing searches in a multilingual world-wide food dictionary is trying to help people reach the things they are searching for. People do not always know the precise language being used, so these more general searches, such as 'Sicilian' or 'Italian' should result in a successful search.

Also included in the glossary are dishes from the cuisine of the region, cookery terms, cooking methods, drinks, food festivals, days of the week, months of the year etc.

See: Italian food and cuisine, Sicily, Catania

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